International Course Guide 2015 - page 27

Unconditional offer
This means that you have been
offered a place in your chosen
program without needing to satisfy
any conditions such as meeting an
IELTS score.
If there are no conditions, you’ll need to accept your offer
within 14 days of the date of the letter.
To accept your unconditional offer
To accept your offer you should sign and return to TAFE
SA International within 14 days with the following:
Signed acceptance of offer
Signed refund table
Proof of your fee payment
Proof of health cover (if available) see page 16 for
more details
Once these are received, we will send you a Confirmation
of Enrolment certificate (CoE) by email or to your agent.
Conditional offer
This means that you have been
offered a place in your chosen course,
subject to meeting the conditions
outlined in your Letter of Offer.
These conditions may include the results of an IELTS test
(or equivalent) or satisfactory completion of a TAFE SA
ELICOS course.
To accept your conditional offer
If your offer is conditional, you must meet all the conditions
set out in your Letter of Offer. Once conditions have been
met, accept your offer by signing and returning it to TAFE
SA International:
Signed acceptance of offer
Signed refund table
Proof of conditions met
Proof of your fee payment
Proof of health cover (if available) see page 16 for
more details.
Once these are received, we will send you a Confirmation
of Enrolment certificate (CoE) by email or to your agent.
Your Offer and
How to Accept
If your application is successful,
we will send you a Letter of Offer
There are two types of offers
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