International Course Guide 2015 - page 12

If you dream of going to university
but would like to gain the practical
knowledge first, TAFE SA is your clever
pathway to university.
Many TAFE SA qualifications at
Certificate IV, Diploma, and Advanced
Diploma or Associate or Bachelor
Degree level can be used to apply for
university entry.
Complete your degree faster
TAFE SA offers clear pathways
and generous credit arrangements
thanks to its strong connections
with universities.
Many of TAFE SA’s Diploma,
Advanced Diploma and Associate
Degree qualifications can gain you
credit towards your university degree.
This means that you may be able to
complete your university degree in less
time and at a lower cost.
Successful completion of a TAFE SA
Diploma usually provides up to one
year credit for university study and an
Advanced Diploma usually provides up
to a year and a half credit. Successful
completion of an Associate Degree
usually provides up to 2 years credit.
Credit transfer explained
Credit transfer is the formal recognition
that components of some study/training
programs are equivalent in content
and level to the components of other
training programs. TAFE SA has
formal credit transfer arrangements
in place with the university sector of
South Australia.
Credit transfer results in:
Automatic status or credit for
eligible students in part(s) of a
Exemption from that part of
the course
Shorter course duration and
lower cost
Status granted through credit transfer
is recorded on your Student Academic
Record. There are no fees when
applying for recognition through credit
transfer*. For further information go to:
*Application fees may be required by your
intended education provider.
The competitive edge
Your TAFE SA qualification provides
you with the clever pathway to
university. With your completed TAFE
SA qualification you’ll gain a nationally
recognised and internationally valued
qualification with academic and real life
skills giving you the competitive edge
in your career.
Application process
For further information about the
application process regarding
pathways to universities, please
see page 24-25. In addition, TAFE
SA has been approved by the
Department of Immigration & Border
Protection (DIBP) as a Streamlined
Visa Processing (SVP) provider. This
SVP system is only available to the
TAFE SA Bachelor programs. TAFE
SA International will communicate to
agents and prospective students when
new TAFE SA Bachelor Programs will
become available for overseas student
TAFE SA has been nominated as
an Educational Business Partner
Institution under the Streamlined
Visa Processing Arrangement with
University of South Australia and
The University of Adelaide. For further
details about packaged offers and
currently available program pathways,
please visit
Packaged University Offers
TAFE SA has been nominated as
an Educational Business Partner
Institution under the Streamlined
Visa Processing Arrangement with
University of South Australia and
The University of Adelaide. This
allows students to accept a joint
packaged offers, and upon successful
completion of TAFE SA qualification
(and component) of the packaged
offers, the student is eligible for a
guaranteed entry into University
Bachelor Degree Program.
For further details about currently
available packaged offer and the
application process, please visit
or email:
“I’m looking for a
to university”
Why Study at TAFE SA?
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