International Course Guide 2015 - page 95

Download the Details
TAFE South Australia
General Information
MYSA International
Health Cover
Working While Studying
Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP)
Student Visas
Office of the Training Advocate
Student Living Australia
Homestay Network
Urban Nest
South Australia
South Australian Government
Tourism SA
Adelaide Metro (Busses, Trains and Trams)
Fees, Refunds, Policies & Responsibilities
All information regarding fees, refunds and conditions can be found on the TAFE South Australia International website.
Fees and Refunds
Policies and Responsibilities
Important Information
As TAFE South Australia courses are continuously being developed, improved or replaced, you are advised to confirm all
details of the course on the website
efore enrolling. Every effort has been made to ensure
that the information contained in this publication was up to date at the time of printing. TAFE South Australia may amend
details without notice and for any reason in response to changing circumstances. Further, TAFE South Australia, reserves
the right to change the content or the method of presentation of any course, or to withdraw any course that it offers.
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