International Course Guide 2015 - page 94

Personal information you supply and consent to being contacted about is to be used by TAFE South Australia in connection with
this application for study at TAFE South Australia. Provision of information is voluntary but, if not provided, the application may
be hindered.
TAFE South Australia will not disclose personal information to outside parties, other than as provided in this form,
unless required by law, you consent to it or it is needed to prevent serious imminent threat to a person’s health or safety.
You can access and correct personal information by contacting the TAFE South Australia International Unit.
Please forward completed application and certi ed true copies of documents to
Student Signature
Print Name
Print Name
If student is under the age of 18, parent/guardian must sign
CRICOS Provider Name:
TAFE SA T/A TAFE South Australia
CRICOS Provider No:
I declare that the information contained in this application and
the supporting documentation is correct. I acknowledge that
in the event that inaccurate, false, fraudulent or misleading
information or documentation is provided that TAFE South
Australia reserves the right to cancel my registration and
enrolment. I understand that TAFE SA reserves the right
to inform other institutions and the relevant government
departments of the provision of any such fraudulent
documentation or information.
I accept that TAFE South Australia has the right to cancel or
vary any offer or enrolment if it is found to have been made on
the basis of an error by TAFE South Australia with regard to the
assessment of my application against the Assessment Policy
and admission rules.
I hereby consent to being contacted in connection with this
application and any subsequent enrolment by text message,
email or other electronic means and note that I may, at any time,
opt out of being contacted by any such electronic means by
contacting TAFE South Australia International and so advising.
I confirm that I have read and understood, and agree to be
bound, by the Course Requirements, Terms and Conditions,
and Fee Payment & Refund Procedures as outlined at
I confirm I have sufficient financial resources to pay for travel,
tuition and living expenses for myself and any dependants for
the duration of my stay in Australia. I understand that if I obtain
work in Australia this is considered an opportunity for social
interaction and not as a source of income. I am a genuine
student and I intend to obtain a successful education outcome
and stay in Australia temporarily.
I authorise TAFE South Australia to make enquiries and obtain
information and my official records from third parties including
but not limited to the Department of Immigration and Border
Protection, government bodies, educational institutions
previously attended by me, former or current employers and
financial institutions. I understand that TAFE South Australia
may release my personal information to its partner educational
institutions, government departments or any other relevant
bodies for verification and assessment. Any information
obtained will be kept on record and considered when assessing
my application for entry into the program.
I understand that this declaration, and the availability of
complaints and appeals processes, does not remove my
right to take further action under Australia’s consumer
protection laws.
I understand and consent that my personal information
provided to TAFE South Australia may be made available
to the health insurance provider, pathway providers,
Commonwealth and State agencies, pursuant to obligations
under the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code of
Practice 2007
I understand and consent that this information may also
be shared with any contractor(s) engaged by TAFE South
Australia to provide advice or services in connection with any
aspect of TAFE South Australia’s international students program
or operation.
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