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UQ St Lucia
You can choose from on-campus residential
colleges, off-campus student housing, or
privately-rented houses and units.
On-campus residential colleges
More than 2350 students live on-campus in
the 10 residential colleges at UQ St Lucia.
Colleges generally provide individual bedrooms
(usually with shared bathrooms), meals, laundry
facilities, and common social and recreation
spaces. They may also offer academic tutorials,
pastoral care and religious observance.
Cromwell College (Campus Lodge)
and International House provide a limited
number of self-catered apartments for
postgraduate and mature-aged students.
Colleges accept all applications,
regardless of your religious affliations
or views; however, some give priority to
students committed to the college ethos.
On-campus accommodation is in high
demand. To avoid disappointment, you
should apply directly to the college you’d
prefer before you receive your UQ offer. You
can get an application form directly from
the colleges or apply online at
application. You should consider a second
option in case your frst choice of college
accommodation is not available.
See table on page 80.
Off-campus student-specifc housing
Many independent, commercial companies
provide student accommodation in purpose-
built housing for students. Combining the
advantages of a student community with the
freedom of self-catered housing, they provide
appropriate, well-located accommodation that
complies with all relevant state legislation.
If you would like to live alone, you can
choose between a studio or single-bedroom
apartment, or you can apply for a room in a
shared two- or three-bedroom unit. Some
unit complexes include swimming pools,
gymnasiums and communal recreational
areas, while others provide more basic
facilities for those with smaller budgets. Most
complexes have dedicated 24-hour on-site
management. You can apply for and book
this type of accommodation directly with
the provider before you start studying at
UQ (see
long-term-accommodation-campus for a
list of providers).
Off-campus rental housing
Share houses and apartments are the
most common form of student housing,
allowing you to save on costs and develop
friendships. Houses are generally shared
by three or more students, with weekly
rent ranging from about $150 to $250 per
person. Apartments are usually smaller
and are shared by two or more people,
depending on apartment size and personal
preferences. Weekly rent ranges from about
$160 to $275 per person. These rental
charges may or may not include utilities
such as electricity, water and the Internet.
The UQ Rentals Online website
( l
ists available
rental accommodation for UQ students.
However, we strongly advise that you
arrange rental housing only once you
have arrived in Brisbane: most students
book airport reception and temporary
accommodation and then look for long-term
rental housing during their frst few days in
Brisbane. Please note:
– houses and units (also called fats or
apartments) are usually rented (leased) for
a six or 12-month period and you will incur
costs if you need to break the lease early
– initial costs can be high – payment of
two weeks rent in advance, plus a bond
equivalent to four weeks rent may be required
– security deposits for gas, electricity and
phone connections may be required
– houses are generally rented unfurnished
– furnished or partly-furnished houses and
apartments are available, but rent is higher
– you need to budget for food, household
items, and ongoing utilities such as gas,
electricity and phone (see page 75).
UQ Guide 2014
International Postgraduate